Saturday, February 10, 2024

Robotic Operating Buddy | Website reivews


Robot Operating Buddy | Website reviews

Hi hello I'm Jo, So today I am reviewing R.O..B aka Robot operating buddy. Btw I find all these websites here, this is a website designed to uplift other websites to get more well known on neocities, a super cool and admiral project, go. check 'em out! As said as always this review is for entertainment purposed only, I am not saying people have to take my opinions or critique into consideration, especially the web designers I am reviewing and please go check out these peoples hard work it really is important.

First thought

I like the grayscale color scheme a lot! The art is great and everything looks great, but I can't really read it, maybe it's just me personally but my dyslexia tripped me up on the "Operating" on the header, I thought it said "Dperating" which took me a second to figure out lol.But yeah the words are a bit too small for me to read well. Also I did not know what rob was before this, I only knew him from smash bros. I always thought he was a video game character but it's cool that he was an actual accessory to nintendo. 

Welcome to R.O.B!

They misspelled Project as Proyect in the first half (just so they know, I have to do spelling checks with my family, so, if that may help to do that or with a friend I would recommend that) The animations on the text are supa cool tho. It's cool that they know more than one language, as someone whos mixed I would want to learn my native langue but sadly Sisika is an endangered language. I like the get to know me section, I am also a diagnosed autistic person! And it's cool to see what peopel have in common with one another. Also it's cool that you started production in October of 2023, That's a short amount of time to have such a cool site, Kudos! 

Blog Posts 

Skipping over the spanish written post as I don't know spanish, The little drawn persona icon is really cool! The animation is great and I like the art style. The 3DS pictures are a frickin mood, I still have my 3DS! Also I like the cat pictures

Art gallery

The art is amazing as most of the websites I review, And it's amazing the skill at your age, as I am only a year younger then them. The art really is amazing, You look very comfortable in your style and the art feels loose buy cohesive, Lovely art. Also cool sonic fanart, have you watched sonci fandubs, if so 

Shrines and fan pages

The set up of the page is super cool! I don't have much to say other than I can't wait to see more!


Again, the layout is awesome!  I love of how when you click on the games it give you a description of it, super cool 👍

My graphics 

All the graphics are cool but not for me personally. 

I didn't have much to say about this website critique wise, becuase in general I think the website is fantastic 

Overall rating:

readability: ★★★☆☆
Color scheme: ★★★★ ★
Interactiveness: ★★★★☆
Layout structure: ★★★★★
Art: ★★★★★

Definitely give this website a look and although I think it has a lot already I can't
 wait to see what the creator has 

Thursday, February 8, 2024

A bin of sedimentry thoughts | website reviews


A bin of sedimentary thoughts | website reviews 

link to website: Binnsbin

Hi hello I'm Jo! Today we will be reviewing a neocities website called A bin of sedimentary thoughts aka Binnsbin! Also, please remember that these reviews are simply for fun and not to bring others down, but too instead uplift them! Always make sure to check out the websites I link as to give views to these people's hard work and just as a reminder, all of the things in this blog are of my opinion, no one has to take my critiques into consideration, especially the web developers I am reviewing, With that all said lets move onto the review!

First thoughts

It's small and compact, theres not much reading which I like as of someone who is dyslexic, I also like the buttons but it kinda throws me off that they are not all the same size but thats not a big deal at all. Anyways, overall I like the homepage and being that the website is not finished, I'm exited to see what they add 


This section is not finished and I dislike reading so we are skipping over this one 


clever to call this your sketchbook, I think it's cool as of to how it's set up, layout wise. and the art is... 
GORGEOUS!!! The way the lines move as if they are a sea in motion, the colors going together like a rainbow after a light drizzle, and the way that not eveyrthing is together but the mind fills it in ever so perfectly, I love their art so much and I wish I had the knowledge of this  type of skill level, but since I am still a somewhat beginner (IMO) I wont be too hard on myself, but I'll deffinitaly look to this cretor for inspiration from time to time


The journal is f***ing funny, I believe they are British or at least are into british news being that they talked about king charles in their journal but whos to say, also I would make a joke of how I dislike british people but instead heres a picture of hatsune miku  


This section is also not done and so I will skip over it 

Overall rating: 

readability: ★★★★ ★
Color scheme: ★★★☆☆
Interactiveness:  ★★☆☆☆
Layout structure: ★★☆☆☆
Art: ★★★★★★★★★ ★

I'd give this site a recommendation for sure! But personally I feel theres not a lot on it, yet and I am super excited to see what they add! Can't wait! 

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Bass Drop's Club | Website reviews


Bass Drop's Club

Link to websiteBass Drop's Website

So this is new series I'm calling "Website reviews" super creative I know /sar. So basically I'm just reviewing how much I like websites and all that stuff. 

First thoughts 

Love the welcome page! (need too add that to mine soon) And I love the club vibe as the name of the website implies, Can't wait for the mobile version, I am also working on that, it's hard to do media querries though since they take so long to make everything responsive. I also loooove the font that they used. It's not the most readable but it's super fun to look at and still is legible. 


I like of how the website is a lot to look at but it's not overwhelming like it's not an eyesore ya know? 
I like what they talk about in the home section but I dislike of how they didn't give a brief header, Like for example I would add something like "why I made this website " or "Why I enjoy web design" Something like that so people know what their reading! All of this is completely my opinions and suggestions take 'em with a grain of salt also..

Anyways, yes I agree free palestine! And it's frickin amazing that you even added information and resources! love the interactives I just feel the layout could be a bit better heres just an example:
love the button shout outs! Super awesome to support other neocites and general personal website lovers.

About me

Super cool art! I love the persona and since they asked about opinions on them I think... I want to see a full body so I can make fanart! But yea would love a reference sheet of you persona. Anyways, I love when personal websites do a "get to know me" section cus you get to feel like your closer to them! It's also really cool that you added your resources. Wouldn't think to do that. 


 :0 Oh em gee, a blog? Or as they call them posts, I can't wait to see more, Love reading them whenever I'm bored lol! So far as of 2/7/24 they only have 2 post but go check 'em out to see if they have more!


OM GOSHHHH I LOVE THE ART! I love the art, also, hello fellow furry! Always love seeing the contrast of style studies amongst their own style. Super awesome! Also, the traditional art is stunning! I would love to see some art tutorials by them. 


We love a good  sad grl online shout out (go check her out too) And the reaosourses are all great! Give 'em a look if you are thinking of making a website. 

Currently... listening too

Such a cool way to display your songs like it's a Phone or iPod. 


your telling me you only started production in Janurary of this year! that's insanely fast for such an amazingly good website! Good job!!!

Over all rating

Readability: ★★★★☆
Color scheme: ★★★☆☆
Interactiveness: ★★★★ ★
Layout structure: ★★★☆☆
Radicalness: ★★★★ ★

I'd definitely recommend giving  this website a look! I even added it to my button list! I love this website and will definitely make a return. 

And Michelle if your reading this... I'm in your walls /j 

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Rating Tokyo fashion outfits


Rating Tokyo Fashion outfits 


Fashion is art, art is subjective. I am not judging these people for their personality, I am not judging their style nor their art they have made. I am simply giving our personal opinion on whatI think, for the simple terms of entertainment. I would never say something such as fashion/ art is by fact bad. I can however share our opinion on how I would personally wear articles of clothing.My opinion is not fact, My opinion should not make the people I am giving it too feel bad or make others who dress like them feel bad. All in all, do not take my point of view and twist it into us insulting you.I mean no harm in this blog. This is just for fun. 

  1. Alice Novi Ray (he/him)

Rating: 5 out of 5

Notes: I honestly wasn't hooked on this outfit the first time looking at it but after dissecting the outfit piece by piece I am head over heels over this fit. I love the pop of color with the yellow in the pants and the shoes. I Like the tote bag and of how it goes along with his tattoos (intentional or not it's really cool! I love the button up over the button up to add layered texture and I love the accessories added along! It's a great outfit the silhouette of it is great and generally is a good outfit. 

 2. Erunyan (he/him)

Rating: 5 out of 5

Notes: I love the whole outfit I mean my favorite color is literally pink, to the simple mind it may seem maximalist or cluttered but thats exactly the point of decora kei! i love decora kei because anyone who wears it looks like a cartoon character which is awesome ! Cartoon characters sometimes if not always have the best fashion, iI just love every element of this fit like all the cartoony character coming off of him and the pink circular bubble chain or whatever its called. It’s all just so mega cute!

3. Alice (she/her)

Rating: 5 out of 5

Notes: The outfit is perfect. All of the pieces look like they were meant for one another as if it was sold as a set. It looks so professional too like the outfit was simply meant for a showcase of a set on a website where you supposed to buy the articles together. The whole fit blends together very nicely and I really love it I wish I had this outfit. Anyways, I swear not all of these are a 5/5 I promise I get critical in some of them. 

4.Ariri (she/her)

Rating: 3 out of 5

Notes: it’s cute but I don't what i’m really looking at right now. I like the monochromatic color scheme, but like the headpiece throws me off it would be so much better without it, looking closer at the pic it looks like some form of ram horns and shark teeth, it honestly looks like a foam furry head thats super unfinished as if she just said “fuck it” and went out with it without finishing her furry head, no shade to furries by the way.

5.Jin (he/him)

Rating : 3 out of 5

Notes: I have a few friends that would wear the hell out of this, But the reason I rated this one sort of low is because I feel the outfit could have done somethings better, for example; in feel there could’ve been more white in this outfit, not just the sunglasses, like maybe there could’ve been white tights added of a white surgical mask, maybe even a white and black crossbody. I like the monochrome but it’s not because of the white on the sunglasses. Other than that I think it’s good

6.Haruki (he/him)

Rating: 4 out of 5

Notes, I love this fit, its the right amount of weird that I believe the point of this outfit is to make you question it which I think is honestly the epitome of fashion for people to question normality, love it. And the article says he made it himself, Amazing! 

7.Nen (they/them)

Rating : 3 in a half out of 5

Notes: I hate the silhouette of this outfit. i love the idea, hate the execution. Like if the clothing was just shaped differently I would probably love this outfit, but it’s not so I don’t. I like the color scheme that part is nice, The pattern way is also nice (pattern way: the way the pattern interacts with other patterns, Like colorway but instead of it being a multitude of color combinations it patterns, I don't know if this is a real term, I kind of made it up.) But yeah, overall I do not personally love the outfit, but I could absolutely see how others would like it.


8.Juriro (he/him)

Rating :1 out of 5

notes: I really dislike this outfit, I really do, The pop of color does not go nicely since the pop is not really a "pop" it's more of a fuck you to the eyes,  it's also giving vector from the first Despicable me movie except blue. I don't have a lot to say on this outfit to be honest sorry 

Final thoughts 

 I think everyone in the tokyo fashion articles I talked about on this blog were all good in their own ways depending on if I did or did not personally like them, I would love to hear if you have opposing opinions from me also here are all the articles I featured by number 

1. Alice

2. Erunyan

5. Jin

6. Haruki

7. Nen

8. Jurio

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Decora Girlz (my thoughts)


Decora Girlz (my thought) | J fashion session 

So what are Decora Girlz? Decora Girlz is a fashion and surprise box doll line inspired by the fashion decora kei. What is Decora kei? Well Decora kei is a type of j-fashion the j standing for Japanese. The styles usually originate from japan each having their niche inspirations. The outfits combine casual clothes with many layers in the form of multiple hair clips, bracelets, tulle skirts, stockings, leg warmers, and pins. Face stickers are very common to be worn with colorful make-up that matches the clothing. Wigs of unnatural colors may be worn. Clothing may have many prints, such as colorful prints, heart prints, and many other patterns.  

So who made these Decora Kei dolls? Coming to you by the same creators as Zhu Zhu Pets and cat vs pickles. The company Cepia LLC is soon releasing Decora girlz! So what is my personal opinion on these decora girlz? Well I am absolutely head over heels for them! I cannot wait for these dolls to come out so today I will be drawing the main 4 fashion dolls and giving you my full opinion on them.


So lets start with the main girl Decora! So the first thought I had from these dolls is that, their a little cheesy which in my opinion, is perfect for these types of dolls. I feel the dolls are perfect for Decora people in general, for example, I found out about Decora girlz from Cybr.grl and I feel that these dolls embody what she is as a decora girl. 

I also feel that the dolls would go great (specifically decora) in Cybr grls room, and I think it would be cool see cosplays of these dolls (will definitely want to cosplay as blossom, whom I wont be talking about in this blog post sadly) But I hear that there will be a website for the dolls which I hope that mean we will get to learn more about decora or other at least through the website. 


Luna is very cute but I don't particularly like her hair color but I don't dislike it! I feel more indifferent I guess. I loooove her outfit though 10/10

I also hope that we get backstory on these characters it would be cool if we get like little facts about them like their age, their occupation all that cool stuff 


I really like her outfit but thats about it, I also find it to be a interesting choice to have all of the poc dolls have blue eyes since it's not very common. I also particularly dislike that they reuse Luna's hairstyle on Sweetie, it feel a bit weird and I feel they could be a lot more creative like maybe they could done a short cut! Not many fem dolls have short hair which is weird in this day and age since short hair can in fact be fem.


I love Celestia's design, hands down my all time favorite, I love the curly hair,the color pallet and especially the space theme. So yeah! I also like of how all the dolls have bags, super cute! 

Final thought 

I love this idea and hope they make more and more dolls, I also hope to see male dolls as a young male doll lover myself who enjoys J fashion So yeah! I love this doll line and can't wait for it's release, also if you'd like to see better quality pictures of my drawings of these dolls go to my instagram: 

Robotic Operating Buddy | Website reivews

 1/9/24 Robot Operating Buddy | Website reviews website:  Robot Operating Buddy Hi hello I'm Jo, So today I am reviewing R.O..B aka Robo...